Navaho sports
book chapter 1932 Reagan, Albert B.

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is a summary of the principal sports palyed by the Navajo, exclusive of the ones they have acquired through Euro-American contact. The data are supplemented by an article by Father Berard Haile in source 155: Haile in this file....

Notes on the Indians of the city of the Fort Apache region
Book 1930 Reagan, Albert B.

Western ApacheNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This monograph, consisting of field notes recorded while Reagan was an administrative officer stationed at Fort Apache in the United States Indian Service in 1901-1902, presents a general ethnographic overview of the cultural practices of the Indians...

Plants used by the White Mountain Apache Indians of Arizona
article 1929 Reagan, Albert B.

Western ApacheNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This short article describes some of the uses made by the Western Apache of plant resources. Most of the attention is devoted to plants used for food, drink, medicine, and in some of their material items. The second half of the article provides an al...

Naëzhosh, or, the Apache pole game
article 1902 Reagan, Albert B.

Western ApacheNorth America > Southwest and Basin
In this article, Reagan describes the hoop and pole game played by Apache men. The field and equiptment used, the method of scoring, and the way the game is played are discussed....

The Apache stick game
article 1903 Reagan, Albert B.

Western ApacheNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The setdilth stick game, a gambling game played by Apache women, is described in this article. Included are information on the set-up, scoring, and playing of the game....